Sophia is eleven weeks old today. This morning after changing her diaper, I talked and she answered with her normal smile and coos. Then, she giggled. An honest-to-goodness giggle. Not one or two little noises, but a full-out giggle. Can't wait to hear it again!
In other exciting developmental news, Sophia now pinches at things -- fun but painful if you're not ready for it. My watch has been the prime target lately. She's also squealing and "talking" much more regularly. She still loves going outside -- we spend a lot of time playing in the shade and hanging out laundry.
And the final sign that Sophia is growing up: she now hates being swaddled. She used to sleep so contentedly while looking like our little burrito. Some days she would manage to unswaddle herself, but then one morning I awoke to this:
Not only had she un-swaddled herself, she'd turned 90 degrees in the process. Must have been hard work to get out of that swaddle! And ever since then, the swaddle has guaranteed a scream. Now she sleeps like this:
(Cloth diapers = kooshy butt. Love it.)
And a Father's Day photo, because we love Daddy.