Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Baby!

This morning was so much fun.  Sophia is becoming more and more alert and interactive.  A little after 6:15 I heard noise from her room so I got up to check on her.  She was completely free from her double swaddle (that's right -- she's our little Houdini) and talking to herself while watching the ceiling fan.  All four limbs were moving all over the place -- hands and feet up and down, waving everywhere.  She was cooing, laughing, and generally having a grand old time.  I brought her into our room where she continued until about 7:00.  
While I have no idea how long she was awake before she made noise, I got a small clue about her time spent out of her swaddle today. Most of the day, when Sophia is sleepy, she's a is a pacifier baby.  But lately, she has started searching for her hand.  As I loaded her into her carseat I noticed a small section on Sophia's thumb that looked like a blister/rubbed skin.  She's been sucking her thumb! 
Ruffle tights.  I know this one is blurry but it's so stinkin cute -- just look at from far back and that'll help.  :)    


The Bellands said...

She is downright precious. What a great memory from this morning, that I'm sure you'll have of her forever. I know I have a similar one of Ashton. Beautiful.

Dana said...

So precious. She is so cute!

Erika said...

It was good to see you guys last weekend! Glad to know you have a blog, too, so I can keep up on pictures! :) Sophia is adorable!